A little while ago (ok about 2 weeks) Twitter released a new feature that lets you track “concepts.” The idea is that you can track anytime anyone, not just the people you follow, mentions a word or series of words. That way if you want to see anytime anyone posts something with the word “Oracle” in it or “Matt Topper” you will immediately get an update. While that’s cool, what more interests me is the model they are implementing it with. I’d really like to see the event model and code they are using to filter every post that is made. Holy overhead batman!! Anyways, if you want to start tracking stuff, all you need to do is text your Twitter number with the message “Track <topic here>” i.e. “Track Oracle”. You can see their blog post here: http://twitter.com/blog/2007/09/tracking-twitter.html and if you want to track me I’m over there at http://twitter.com/topperge
OK, back to my install fest weekend. (and playing with RFID on the side)
And, of course, “track openworld07″…