- Baby Einstein should be renamed Baby Crack #fb #
- Moving companies = scam every time #fb #
- We lock our source repository every night at 2am to do backups, it's sad that this isn't the first time I've been pissed waiting to commit #
- @brad_tumy It has to do with the ulimits aka the number of file descriptors that can be opened at any time per process. in reply to brad_tumy #
- She's here #fb http://yfrog.com/6dmrokhj #
- Anyone remember when they used to have lockers you could rent at the airport? I never understood that idea #
- @jkuramot good luck tomorrow #
- @salemonz I'd take that in a minute, I bet Dorf used those old lockers to sleep in between flights in reply to salemonz #
- RT @rmanalan: @jkuramot congrats! #