212 comments on “Adding a new disk to a VMWare Virtual Machine in Linux

  1. Well explained. Good to have this as a reference for creating additional virtual disks

  2. Thank you very much for creating this Tutorial. I used these instructions to create a second virtual disk for my Ubuntu image that will be housing my MySQL DB…
    Thanks again,


  3. Simple, crisp and clean. THanks a lot. Wonderfull documented.

    Three cheers.

  4. This still stands up to help us newbs add more space!
    Nobody was successful at explaining it to me. Obviously I needed pictures 🙂

  5. Pingback: Adding a new disk to a VMWare Virtual Machine in Linux | .:MattTopper.com:. « leonslessons

  6. Pingback: Adding a new disk to a VMWare Virtual machine in Linux « Muhammad Nadeem Chaudhry's Blog

  7. Excellent Article! Made creating a new Virtual Disk and mount point a breeze.

  8. Thanks for this blog. It’s clearly explains how to create a virtual disk and creating the mount point for it.

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